Extracurriculars (EXTRAS) information is below and MUCH more info can be found on website www.myafterschoolprogram.com under Extracurricular Programs page (CLICK tab at top of homepage)
Extracurriculars (EXTRAS) information is below and MUCH more info can be found on website www.myafterschoolprogram.com under Extracurricular Programs page (at top of homepage)
Howard Middle Robotics and Drones registration Portal will open the first Saturday in December. Check back later for more information!
Jackson After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Morningside After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
SPARK After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Smith After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Virginia-Highland After School Program -quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Tennis Principals with All Star Athletics: Fun and Finesse is the name of this game! Children K-5th will learn the 101 on Tennis while focusing on agility, footwork, sportsmanship and a variety of shots including Volley's and Groundstrokes! All equipment is provided including racquets, nets, low compression and foam safety tennis balls etc. Our Coaches will also provide fair and fun games and drills so that children of all ages and abilities can work at their own pace and be challenged in a low stakes environment. It is our goal to instill within them a love of a great sport they can play for life, because it's always a good time for Tennis! All Star Athletics - The Best in Kid's Sports! All Star Athletics provides FUNdamental growth through sports enrichment. Progam questions? email icoachatlanta@gmail.com
No Class Feb 21 & Apr 11
Fewer than 5 spots left