Extracurriculars (EXTRAS) information is below and MUCH more info can be found on website www.myafterschoolprogram.com under Extracurricular Programs page (CLICK tab at top of homepage)
Extracurriculars (EXTRAS) information is below and MUCH more info can be found on website www.myafterschoolprogram.com under Extracurricular Programs page (at top of homepage)
Howard Middle Robotics and Drones registration Portal will open the first Saturday in December. Check back later for more information!
Jackson After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Morningside After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
SPARK After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Smith After School Program - quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Virginia-Highland After School Program -quality after school care, committed to enriching children's success.
Soccer Level 1, first hour, with 411 Brand Athletics is a structured program for boys and girls designed to teach the fundamentals of the sport as well as develop an interest in the game. Instructors will teach the core elements of the sport to kids in 1st – 2nd grades that will include, dribbling, trapping, passing, ball control and shooting. As with all sports, we believe soccer has the ability to teach various life lessons including teamwork, dealing with adversity and sportsmanship. Our goal for this program is to assist in developing your child to become a better athlete on the field and leader in the community. For more program information: the411brand.com
John Thomas
No Class Feb 19 & Apr 9
Full - waiting list